Tuesday 4 February 2014

Play To Cure :)

 Genes In Space - Smartphone Game 

 Every person is born with an in-built love for gaming and today this zeal for gaming is going to prove an asset in fighting cancer. Gaming enthusiasts can join the race aimed to cure cancer which is proliferating at an alarming rate,the statistics being.. nearly 14 million people worldwide are diagnosed with cancer each year and the toll is expected to rise to 22 million a year within the next 20 years as stated by the World Health Organisation ( WHO).

Now you must be wondering as to how come a game can help in curing cancer but yes it s possible ... its always said and accepted that human is more capable than a machine , its the human which makes the machine capable and not the other way round so lets get involved in this race and fight cancer . Who knows what is going to come next in our fate ? I , You or anyone might be fighting with cancer in the years to come so why not help let this horrifying disease to eradicate before it makes a home and get settled in our nation forever :) 

Scientists generally prefer computer software to detect and spot cancer but the results are not perfect . 
" The human eye is still the best technology we have for picking up these patterns involved with cancer , and Genes In Space game harnesses that power".

Now what should be done actually ? why this game , before your mind gets occupied with hallucinations , lemme clear the mystery behind this game .. With the collective force of all players we can beat cancer soon which instead can take years . Lets bring forward a day where all cancers are cured . The video will speak more about the game and its objectives . 

Anyone , Any age , Anywhere download and play this game and make a difference . It's not just a game , A way to save lives . Download it and start playing and spread joy :D 

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