Friday 25 October 2013

No more breaks--Only bounces..:D

Did you ever imagine your gadget to fall down n bounce like a rubber ball?? Well guys if you never did you must do now. Yes rubber like gadgets are going to become a reality now. Thanks to RMIT research that day is coming closerrr...

 Now let us understand how this flexible gadgets are being made of.. Actually these are transparent type bendable electronics to make rubber like phones,rollable tablets and even functional clothing. Now Functional and Microsystem research group of RMIT has developed a mechanism through which the electronics are transferred with a versatile functionality.:)

 Basically the mechanism which is being followed here is that the ability of micro and nano particles to sense,insulate or generate energy is controlled by thin,transparent nanolayers of oxide materials generally much thinner than 1/100 th of a human hair.

 According to PhD Researcher Philipp Gutruf "We have discovered a micro-tectonic effect,where microscale plates of oxide materials slide over each other like geographical plates, to relieve stress and retain electronic conductivity."

More over these devices will be ecofriendly as the oxide materials are combined with biochemical materials to form ohrgans and cells as well..

  Guys seeing the development and the result coming out its quiet encouraging to hope a more compatible devices which r unbreakable.. They might be costly in the beginning but surely great for the future. All the people who are fed up of seeing their phone fall and break.... keep waiting... :P 

10 Million Downloads,yet holds back !

  A well received add campaign never defines success of its product !!

What am i talking about ? :O ,but obviously BBM .. the latest buzz which had 10 million downloads in 24 hours still lacks behind when it comes to competing with the IM tool watsapp , i personally never thought i will hunt for any IM app which keeps flocking in google play store after i got watsapp , but still i tried a hand at BBM..Inspite of, BlackBerry being so popular among the crowds it retained much of its iconic appeal.
My verdict after using BBM for few days is that though it has aroused interest and huge crowd it can't battle against watsapp ! I heard people saying "hey! i got BBM on my android , "WATSAPP" me your BBM pin " !! :D ; this shows the wide and deep impact watsapp has created,it has penetrated in the life of every indivual irrespective of their age groups :)
 BBM supports android and IOS but what about my friends who are using windows and symbian OS .. watsapp caters to the their need,do you ?... watsapp is  full fledged in all terms starting from the wide range of emoticons which are a new style of conversing,voice messaging,previous messages in your chat window which outstands in its count in contrast with that of BBM, etc etc !!! In addition to this , the pin funda..i seriously don't get it ..its awful . the contacts and locations , how do we share that using bbm ... no provisions . the most humourous thing is the "PING" button,does it really makes a difference ? its an old technique used in yahoo messenger ... what's creative in the new IM tool then :P
      So,BBM you still have a long way to go,I'm sticking to watsapp and i'm sure the  majority of the public is going to do the same after getting satisfied with a ephemeral craze for BBM! GOOD LUCK! :D